The 5G Baseband software development team has multiple positions to fill. They all provide great learning opportunity in 5G wireless technology. There is lots of team support and student peers to work with.
The available positions are:
- Tools developer
- This position involves developing/debugging software tools which support developer’s needs, such as command-line and web-based tools, 5G log analysis tools, trouble reporting tools, debug tools, software management tools, etc.
- To give our interns a well-rounded Ericsson experience, a portion of your work term will involve working with a software development team on 5G related production and test software.
- Automated test developer
- This position involves developing the infrastructure to support 5G automated testing and developing automated test cases to test new 5G software features. Areas where test development is focused include Layer 1, test framework and 5G features.
- This area offers interesting coding opportunities in the testing realm.
- Manual feature tester
- This position involves developing and executing tests on the 5G platform to test new 5G features.